Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back In Time -- The First Friday

Before we can move forward we sometimes need to go back. It's brilliant actually, in a psychological way. In life it's good to revisit old stuff before we make new decisions. In this case we are going back to the day that made me think of Obscure Days in the first place.

 The road 'T's' and we turn right into our neighborhood, or you can go left into another. At the end of the road, where it actually T's, there has been a pile of 3 larger sized logs. Each one is similar in size, maybe 4 feet long and 1 foot in diameter. They were dumped there, but every day or so, they had wood chips laying around them. Each day fresh chips. The logs themselves were barely moved, if at all. Less than a week ago, on a Friday to be exact, I was driving back into our housing development. To my surprise there was a large thin man dressed in overalls chopping at this pile of wood, in the middle of the road. Yes, overalls, in suburbia, in the middle of the day...a hot day. He had a beanie cap on and some ski goggles too. I was amazed, confused, and tip toeing around a lot of belly laughter. Then I looked at his shoes. Old Skool Michael Jordans. Originals. First Gen. Black and Red in all their glory.

These changed the shoe game

I have an ax to grind with you...

Turns out this is my neighbor...two doors down. I'm not even sure what to think.

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